Team Talk: Put a Little Love into your Valentine’s Social

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Easily – Team Talk: Put a Little Love into your Valentine’s Social

Team Talk: Put a Little Love into your Valentine’s Social

As it is Valentine’s Day we have the opportunity to shower affection on our nearest and dearest. And as marketer, of the dearest (and I don’t mean expensive) things to you in your business is probably your website. So how we can put a little L.O.V.E into your digital content marketing?

Here are four areas to consider:

Step 1 – Listen

As with all online communications and social media marketing, we need to learn to listen. This may reveal challenges that our customers have using our products, opportunities for new product lines or enhancements, and it will help us identify how we can create for the different stages of the buying cycle.

A common mistake I see content marketers make is creating content for the sake of creating content – rather than consider how the content they create and publish (both online and offline) can help them achieve their strategic business goals.

Step 2 – Optimise Your Content For The Mobile Web

Many of us carry the mobile we in our pockets in the form of a smart phone. When was the last time that you looked at your website through the eyes of the mobile buyer? And what about your Facebook Page?

I have been researching what it will take to move this site to a responsive design so that it provides a good user experience what ever the mobile device (I’ll share more in a future article).

If you are managing a Facebook Page, I highly recommend that when you use competition and sweep stake apps, you ensure they work effectively for the mobile visitor to your Page if you want to increase participation in your promotion.

Step 3 – Visual Content Is Essential

I know it is challenging, especially if you are a service based business, to have great images to accompany every press release, article and blog post on your website. But it is important to consider if you want to maximise the opportunity for your content to be shared across the social web. Pinterest, LinkedIn Company Pages, Facebook Pages and many more sites enable you to decide which image appears when it is posted.

An attractive image can encourage people to take the next step to start to engage with your content. And you can be sure that your story is more likely to be picked up by the media is you have high impact images to accompany your press release.

Step 4 – Evaluate How Your Content Performs

As Spring is approaching, it is a good time for a content audit to evaluate which content is performing effectively as you review it against your marketing goals. You can also determine what content needs to be refreshed and what new content you need to create.

It’s a challenging and time consuming job, especially if you have published content online for many years, and perhaps have never done a full content review. However this can help you attract relevant traffic to your website and convert that traffic from being a browser to a becoming a buyer.

What actions are you taking to put some L.O.V.E into your content marketing?

Oh and if you liked (or even loved) this article, I don’t usually ask, but as it’s Valentines Day perhaps you could share a little love my way – you know what to do -Tweet it, Like it, Pin it, Gplus it! Thank you.

Vladimir Krtian

Vladimir Krtian


A Content Writer is a professional who writes informative and engaging articles to help brands showcase their products.

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