
Paradox - Shape Image
Paradox - Shape Image
Paradox - Shape Image

Worldwide Wedding Team search service

Event is a service that simplifies life and communication with customers. A multifunctional platform that will help attract customers in a narrow niche.
The service helps to receive feedback and feedback from customers, easily manage services, expanding them and adding new ones.

Date 25 March, 2023
Category Web design
Estimation 6 Months
Client Eventy.World

Our Planing

Client Care

Client care always goes to the top of the list. It goes beyond just taking care of clients & making sure they are happy with your services. It is a genuine caring.

Using Empathy

This follows up with client care. By having empathy and being able to put yourself in your client’s shoes, you will be able to take client care to the next level.

Communication Skills

This may sound obvious, but actually, there’s much more to learning how to communicate with a client. First, you must be able to speak openly

When planning the architecture of this service, we considered many projects for the b2c sector and did something that simplifies the process of finding agencies that provide the necessary service.

We have created two types of personal account for clients and agencies, each of them has a lot of functionality such as creating a guest list and table layout, reviews and rating system, and much more.

  • Product architecture development
  • Creating a unique design
  • API development and integration
  • Various personal accounts
  • Software compliance testing

Final Result

The service has already been launched and operates in several countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Paradox Call To Action Image
Paradox Shape Image

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